VIBstudio is an intelligent platform for online condition monitoring, failure protection and vibration-based diagnostics of machinery.
The platform allows to:
Wide range of configurations allows to adjust the system to the functional needs and financial capabilities of the customer. Moreover, the ease of future expansion makes it possible to spread out the investment in time. This provides a unique business benefit allowing to start from an inexpensive base version of the system for monitoring of a single machine, and further gradual expansion into an advanced platform for remote diagnostics of the entire enterprise.
VIBstudio is comprised of VIBmonitor modules and VIBnavigator software.
VIBmonitor is a modular, multichannel and autonomous system operating close to the monitored machine. The system monitors and protects operating machines through conditioning, high quality acquisition of signals and process parameters, all well as their continuous analysis. Due to True Data ValidatorTM, the real-time data validation technology, as well as automated machine operational states detection and advanced diagnostic analyses, the system effectively detects anomalies in an early development phase, and significantly reduces the number of false alarms.
VIBnavigator is the user interface of the VIBstudio platform based on I3 TechnologyTM. It is primarily used for event monitoring, data viewing, configuration and administration of the system. On one hand the interactive and easy to use browser ensures intuitive handling for the operator. On the other it offers to the maintenance and diagnostic teams a wide functionality for processing and analysis of signals. High degree of configurability and automation of operations make it very easy to verify the causes of an alarm.
VIBstudio is available in three versions:
Condition monitoring is a profitable investment. Find out why: